VR Market research

Virtual Reality offers the creation of three-dimensional worlds of experience. The replication of multimoldal sensory impressions (image and audio) is leading to immersion: the new virtual reality is experienced as „real“.

Market Research by use of most modern VR technology

Offered by eurosimtec GmbH and useye GmbH.

Virtual Reality Eye-Tracking testing

Virtual Reality offers the creation of three-dimensional worlds of experience.  The replication of multimoldal sensory impressions (image and audio) is leading to immersion: the new virtual reality is experienced as „real“.

Modern technical solutions offer integrated eye-tracking recording. By this, all advantages of a classic eye-tracking test can be transferred into the VR-testing. The eye-tracking allows the participants to experience the journey in the virtual world from their own perspective. There are several „classic“ eye-tracking tests available, such as for example the statistical KPI analysis as well as the creation of heatmaps and gazeplots.

There are no limits to the study design compared with the „normal“ study testing. Qualitive as well as quantitive testings can be made. Also a parallel testing at different areas is possible. In this case, the VR-technology offers even advantages of a better standardisation.

Multiple fields of application

Virtual Reality Research is suitable for different research areas. The number of application areas is growing with the steadily increasing influence of Virtual Reality. VR-Research is gaining in importance also in the field of marketing research, especially by increasing use of VR for marketing measures.

Typical application areas:

  • POS testing (space management,  POS-material, store layout, displays etc.)
  • Packaging tests
  • New products
  • Advertising material in outdoor advertising
  • Test from VR content / marketing

A special focal point of our work is the POS and packaging research.



Please visit www.vresearch.de



Feel free to talk to us

eurosimtec GmbH
Mündelheimer Weg 37
40472 Düsseldorf

Phone / Fax
+49 (0) 211 30 18 56-0
+49 (0) 211 30 18 56-29


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